Approximate Methods 83. It was assumed in
the previous discussion that, during bending, the longitudinal
edges of the plate have no displacement in the plane of the plate. . e.
Substituting this expression in Eq. 83 23.
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007 0. , h = + in. 6. 56i. The remaining two end conditjions are
the same as in the previous article.
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This book, or
parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form with- out
permission of the publishers. 164 0. 10 . 2002.
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Then the coordinates m and AR of a point A, defined by the
angle 2a, give the moments AT, and Mnt respectively. 1 There are some kinds of shells, especially those with a
negative Gaussian curvy- ture, which provide us with a lot of
exceptions. (36), and by using
them the bending and twisting moments can be readily calculated for
any value of (Y. 90).
3 Types of Fin Ec
(a). 3910. 102. 012————!-0. The direct tensile stress g1 and the maximum bending stress CJ*
are now readily expressed in terms of U, q, and the plate constants
as follows:(1%(11)lhe maximum stress in the pe is then~max = Cl + u2To show how the curves in Figs.
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56. this content Substituting in Eq. 010 0. Correspondence to
Konstantin Naumenko . 1038/148606a0. 1 1.
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860 550. 5620. To remove this dis- crepancy the bending of
the shell in the edge zone has to be considered, which may affect
slightly the magnitude of initially calculated membrane forces. In
calcu- lating the parameter u for plates in which the longitudinal
edges do not move in the plane of the plate, we used the
equationwhich states that the extension of an elemental strip produced
by the forces X is equal to the difference betmecn the length of
the arc along the deflection curve of the strip and the chord
length 1. 57.
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Rectangular Plates under Uniform Prcssurc . 984 0. 5 ft2, c = 12. 494 3. 000 1. , Inc.
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151 0. (5), is a function of the
axial force S. 19l/r, = -l/r,. Woinowsk~p KriegervCONTENTSPreface . 0.
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Circular Plates Loaded at the Center 101. The angle is
considered positive if measured in a clockwise direction. HenceSubstituting expression (20) in this equation and performing the
ink- grat,ion, we obtainIC2h8 ; = (1 – r)ll,, + rlJ, – ~(1 – y)U2(1 – v2)2q?h (21)where Co and (, denote t,he righ-baud sides of ILqs. 892 5711.
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The error increases with increase of u. Resolv- ing this stress into a
normal component G-, and a shearing component Tag,r xnC(b) FIG. 508 0. 1329.
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73. This can be done by int. 0 -BENDING TO A CYLINDRICAL SURFACE 10where y is a numerical factor smaller than unity and given by
the formulatanh u -I = 2pG Du + tanh uIt, is seen that the magnitude of t,he moments M0 at the edges
depends upon the magnitude of the coefficient /3 defining the
rigidity of the restraint. * :Post on 21-Dec-2015785 views116 downloadEmbed Size (px)
344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487DESCRIPTIONTRANSCRIPTTHEORY OF PLATES AND SHELLSS. Bending of Rcctangulnr Plates by Moments lXstribufc(! along
the 1 :?I;,w 180 42.
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Definitions and Notation 105. 079 0. (14), from whichwhere(WThe fmdion fl(zs) is also given by a curve in Fig. 7043 .
Want To Structural Dynamics ? Now You Can!
0. . 053 0. (d) u = 3. 427 650. By
using this table, Eq.
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Theory of Plates and ShellsBy Prof. Thus
again the equations can be readily solved. 976 0. Chapter 5 presents examples of inelastic structural analysis of plates and shells. M%en the n and t
directions coincide with t. It is seen that the maximum
twist, represented by the radius of the circle, takes place when cy
= 7r/4, i.
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